Adding Agents for Mass Agent Deployment in Oracle Enterprise Manager 11gR1 Grid Control

When you install Oracle Enterprise Manager 11gR1 Grid Control an agent for mass deployment is included with the install. This mass deploy agent is for hosts that have the same OS in which Grid Control was installed. If you want the ability to deploy agents to hosts running other OSs you will need to download and install the mass deployment agent for that particular OS.

This document will detail adding the 32bit agent for Windows to an existing Enterprise Manager 11gR1 Grid Control install on 32bit Linux.

Download the agent from the following link:

Oracle Technology Network.

At the time of this writing only the agent existed for Windows 32bit so I downloaded the file

Create the staging directory

Oracle Enterprise Manager 11gR1 Grid Control uses the OMS_HOME/sysman/agent_download as the staging directory for agent mass deployment. Agents are placed in directories according to their version number. In our case the version is so we will need to create directory in OMS_HOME/sysman/agent_download.

[oracle@gc ~]$ grep 'oms' /etc/oratab
[oracle@gc ~]$ cd /u02/app/oracle/product/weblogic/oms11g/sysman/agent_download/
[oracle@gc agent_download]$ mkdir
[oracle@gc agent_download]$ 

Install the agent

After making the directory change into it, copy the agent to the directory and unzip it.

[oracle@gc agent_download]$ cd
[oracle@gc]$ cp ~/ .
[oracle@gc]$ unzip 
  inflating: agent_download.rsp.bak  
  inflating: instructions.txt        
   creating: win32/

cut for clarity

   creating: win32/prereqs/
  inflating: win32/prereqs/prereq_NT.jar  
   creating: win32/response/
  inflating: win32/response/additional_agent.rsp  
  inflating: win32/response/staticports.ini  

That is it. The 32bit agent for Windows has been installed and is ready to deploy.

Verify the installation

In Oracle Enterprise Manager 11gR1 Grid Control click on the Deployments tab.

On the Deployments page, scroll down to the Agent Installation section and click on the Install Agent link.

On the Agent Deployment type page click on the Fresh Install link on the upper left of the page.

On the Installation Details page, scroll down to the Version section. You should now see that appears in the drop down.

When you select you should see that in the Hosts section the platform changes Microsoft Windows (32-bit).

That is all there is to it. If you would like to see how to actually push the agent see the post: Setup Agent for Mass Deployment in Oracle Enterprise Manager 11gR1 Grid Control.

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